267 research outputs found

    3D Reconstruction with Low Resolution, Small Baseline and High Radial Distortion Stereo Images

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    In this paper we analyze and compare approaches for 3D reconstruction from low-resolution (250x250), high radial distortion stereo images, which are acquired with small baseline (approximately 1mm). These images are acquired with the system NanEye Stereo manufactured by CMOSIS/AWAIBA. These stereo cameras have also small apertures, which means that high levels of illumination are required. The goal was to develop an approach yielding accurate reconstructions, with a low computational cost, i.e., avoiding non-linear numerical optimization algorithms. In particular we focused on the analysis and comparison of radial distortion models. To perform the analysis and comparison, we defined a baseline method based on available software and methods, such as the Bouguet toolbox [2] or the Computer Vision Toolbox from Matlab. The approaches tested were based on the use of the polynomial model of radial distortion, and on the application of the division model. The issue of the center of distortion was also addressed within the framework of the application of the division model. We concluded that the division model with a single radial distortion parameter has limitations

    A Non-Rigid Map Fusion-Based RGB-Depth SLAM Method for Endoscopic Capsule Robots

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    In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract endoscopy field, ingestible wireless capsule endoscopy is considered as a minimally invasive novel diagnostic technology to inspect the entire GI tract and to diagnose various diseases and pathologies. Since the development of this technology, medical device companies and many groups have made significant progress to turn such passive capsule endoscopes into robotic active capsule endoscopes to achieve almost all functions of current active flexible endoscopes. However, the use of robotic capsule endoscopy still has some challenges. One such challenge is the precise localization of such active devices in 3D world, which is essential for a precise three-dimensional (3D) mapping of the inner organ. A reliable 3D map of the explored inner organ could assist the doctors to make more intuitive and correct diagnosis. In this paper, we propose to our knowledge for the first time in literature a visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) method specifically developed for endoscopic capsule robots. The proposed RGB-Depth SLAM method is capable of capturing comprehensive dense globally consistent surfel-based maps of the inner organs explored by an endoscopic capsule robot in real time. This is achieved by using dense frame-to-model camera tracking and windowed surfelbased fusion coupled with frequent model refinement through non-rigid surface deformations

    MSF3DDETR: Multi-Sensor Fusion 3D Detection Transformer for Autonomous Driving

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    3D object detection is a significant task for autonomous driving. Recently with the progress of vision transformers, the 2D object detection problem is being treated with the set-to-set loss. Inspired by these approaches on 2D object detection and an approach for multi-view 3D object detection DETR3D, we propose MSF3DDETR: Multi-Sensor Fusion 3D Detection Transformer architecture to fuse image and LiDAR features to improve the detection accuracy. Our end-to-end single-stage, anchor-free and NMS-free network takes in multi-view images and LiDAR point clouds and predicts 3D bounding boxes. Firstly, we link the object queries learnt from data to the image and LiDAR features using a novel MSF3DDETR cross-attention block. Secondly, the object queries interacts with each other in multi-head self-attention block. Finally, MSF3DDETR block is repeated for LL number of times to refine the object queries. The MSF3DDETR network is trained end-to-end on the nuScenes dataset using Hungarian algorithm based bipartite matching and set-to-set loss inspired by DETR. We present both quantitative and qualitative results which are competitive to the state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted at the ICPR 2022 Workshop DLVDR202

    Li3DeTr: A LiDAR based 3D Detection Transformer

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    Inspired by recent advances in vision transformers for object detection, we propose Li3DeTr, an end-to-end LiDAR based 3D Detection Transformer for autonomous driving, that inputs LiDAR point clouds and regresses 3D bounding boxes. The LiDAR local and global features are encoded using sparse convolution and multi-scale deformable attention respectively. In the decoder head, firstly, in the novel Li3DeTr cross-attention block, we link the LiDAR global features to 3D predictions leveraging the sparse set of object queries learnt from the data. Secondly, the object query interactions are formulated using multi-head self-attention. Finally, the decoder layer is repeated LdecL_{dec} number of times to refine the object queries. Inspired by DETR, we employ set-to-set loss to train the Li3DeTr network. Without bells and whistles, the Li3DeTr network achieves 61.3% mAP and 67.6% NDS surpassing the state-of-the-art methods with non-maximum suppression (NMS) on the nuScenes dataset and it also achieves competitive performance on the KITTI dataset. We also employ knowledge distillation (KD) using a teacher and student model that slightly improves the performance of our network.Comment: Accepted at the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 202

    Real-time human activity monitoring exploring multiple vision sensors

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    In this paper, we describe the monitoring of human activity in an indoor environment through the use of multiple vision sensors. The system described in this paper is made up of three cameras. Two of these cameras are active and are part of a binocular system. They operate either as a set of three static cameras or as a set of one fixed camera and an active binocular vision system. The human activity is monitored by extracting several parameters that are useful for their classification. The system enables the creation of a record based on the type of activity. These logs can be selectively accessed and provide images of the humans in specific areas.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V16-4379G7B-B/1/216c3ddb70ad57a4491b08864d1b296

    Magnetic-Visual Sensor Fusion-based Dense 3D Reconstruction and Localization for Endoscopic Capsule Robots

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    Reliable and real-time 3D reconstruction and localization functionality is a crucial prerequisite for the navigation of actively controlled capsule endoscopic robots as an emerging, minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic technology for use in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In this study, we propose a fully dense, non-rigidly deformable, strictly real-time, intraoperative map fusion approach for actively controlled endoscopic capsule robot applications which combines magnetic and vision-based localization, with non-rigid deformations based frame-to-model map fusion. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated using four different ex-vivo porcine stomach models. Across different trajectories of varying speed and complexity, and four different endoscopic cameras, the root mean square surface reconstruction errors 1.58 to 2.17 cm.Comment: submitted to IROS 201


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